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What is better undertale or speedwagon

Deltarune isn’t out yet…?

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deltarune isn’t finished

He still spent a long time previously working on it before he started even making Undertale

like that was just the bit of Deltarune that he’s ready to show

yes but Litten, counterpoint
have you SEEN the level of polish on Deltarune, in every single aspect of it?


I thought it was made in English not polish


also made it into Pokémon

everyone cheers that he has a sound track in Pokémon while also booing Pokémon lmao

Let’s not forget his epic duel with Sakurai to see if Sans gets added to smash, which he tied with a man who can play two characters with one hand each.

image https://assets.pokemon.com/assets/cms2/img/video-games/_tiles/pokemon-sword-shield/toby-fox/toby-fox-169-en.jpg

he also made Pokémon literally put that logo on their thing lmao

drawn in mspaint


litten, the thing is that just a single fragment of Deltarune sparked almost as much impact as an entire game. think about how much discussion was made about Jevil alone. to say that deltarune won’t be a success even if it ends up being dissapointing is… not really true

Do you really think that deltarune will be more popular then Undertale

I think people will forgot about it and the hype won’t be as great

I’m not saying it’s going to be a bad game it’s going to be glorious

It’s going to not be as popular tho

Litten, people will remember Undertale when it comes out. They’ll remember that they want to know what the fuck is going on in Deltarune (side note: while in Undertale it’s you messing with the game and being surprised when the characters don’t react how you think they will, in Deltarune the game is messing with you), a game that they already played the first chapter of.

Bet you ten fish that it won’t be as popular as Undertale

Should I play deltarune even tho I havent played undertale

it will be more popular