54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

current work on my 3d printing final. Master Sword and Hylian shield

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You have an exam about 3d printing? Damn.

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what software did you use to make that?

maya to model, cura to print

finals in my college either mean a giant test, or a project. this falls in the project side of it. But yeah this was a cool af elective and i hope they expand upon it, while also cutting back since its to much god damn work

how much does maya cost or is that free/student or hobbyist free

its free for students, otherwise its like 1000 bucks a month i think

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let me fix that 195 bucks a month, 1500 a year

aka too freaking much?

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Cookie time



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thank you sulit

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is it bad that i recognize 4 of those in particular?


What the fuck

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guys while yall were busy talking i saved everything into a pastebin


@Geyde I think that counts as an act of war and we can riot against them now

up until geyde rolled for diplomacy it seems