54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

We shouldn’t of had to do that

but I’m going to hellraise since Luxy literally did it because of a superiority complex

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hold on ill go back and get the rest

Watch this

It’s a courtesy thing
Simon did it even though we didn’t
That’s p cool

bottom text

what the hell 200 posts in best/worst quotes

I won’t lie before I wanted the stuff purged but Geyde swayed me
Good job man

Waxing philosophy on the internet is a popular passtime

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The king has decided to execute [1]

are you good or do you need help?

ok it should all be there.
its a bit jank because i manually highlighted everything (and i had to split it into parts because of how the forum loads new posts)
so there are some duplicates and some jank.
but i have it

Post it please :eyes:

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The heck are u talking about?

We are pissed off

we had a very existential conversation in the quotes thread and luxy is purging it* so i put it in a paste bin

*or moving it or something but i did it just in case

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lol why

They are purging a discussion we spent time in effort in and had fun

They discussed philosophy in the Forum Quotes thread and Luxy decided that wasn’t the place for it so he’s moving it somewhere else.
Some people are pissed cuz he deleted/moved stuff that wasn’t against forum rules and it’s a non-official off-topic thread so it had the right to stay there

wow i leave for 4 hours and yall discover philosophy im sad i missed out

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