54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Yes u probably should

okay now is everyone distracted?

because this argument was going nowhere

people scroll that thread for quick laughies not phillosophical debate
fk pls.


ree merc.

its fine

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im on luxy’s side but that’s neither here nor there.

assess this situation like adults even if neither of you are

I mean neither of us are adults but firekitten accusing me of being corrupt pissed me off

for you to lick : )

Regardless this is over. Any further discussion should be dm’d to me

agreeing with person in a position of power =/= bootlicking.

im not agreeing with luxy because they are mod, i agree because i think they are right.

but that argument was really going nowhere except for personal attacks so i decided to cut it off

it was a sarcastic remark. i wouldn’t call someone a boot locker unless it was really annoying

Heck, I was even wrong in the situation, I didn’t know exactly what it was all about, but I’m glad I’ve waited for things to clear up instead of taking drastic measures

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If you have anything to say you can dm me about it

professes love to luxy

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gay showmance? :eyes: :eyes:





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Sigh… guys, be nicer to your moderators. This kind of behavior is exactly why I was concealing my moderation actions when I had to delete/move/whatever posts.

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mods r gay

and there’s nothing wrong with that