54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Senior year college Dat is like idk

what about sexual apathy, where you know your somewhere out there but your not sure where and you dont particularly care about it at the moment, so you just roll with whatever

i am and i quote
“lean, mean, sex machine”
note i’m quoting a friend and these words did not come out of my mouth

Not politics Cuz everyone agress


Scoffs at like all of like 0 relationships I had… why an i saying this shit at 1 am


I could never be a theater kid despite doing theater

being lgbt+ is a requirement to be a TRUE theater kid /s

Imagine having like three friends in any given cast and talking to like nobody else

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me when i did little prince

Good friends are better than a lot of friends imo. They stick around a lot longer

idk but thats basically what band is like from what i can tell.

granted im not in band
but i know quite a few band kids

wdym my whole cast is freinds.

is that not a common thing?

Like i could talk with almost any one of them and be somewhat interested in the conversation

my conversation skillset includes
a wealth of thought regarding how people work
how to play monopoly like a god and read people in card games
mediocre knowledge regarding everything

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clique city usa
that’s almost always what happens in productions I’m in

Yeah Monica, Racheal, Joey, Chandeler, and Phoebe are some of the best people u could ask for

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that and I’m not the most active in trying to be friends with people

can i introduce you to crackapoly

mine is

sex jokes
more sex jokes
sex jokes, cont.
calling people nerds
sex jokes again

works like a charm