54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


pretty tame ngl

have you heard that shit? it’s actually scary as hell

cars scare me

I was in that car

I don’t really fear cars that much because in all honesty the amount of time I spend outside is kinda low

the driver fucking died

i walk to and from work so speeding cars in a normal thing for me

Sounds edgy as shit
I know

None of my friends are in 5 minutes of my house

your point?


the driver fucking died

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the driver fucking died

your point?

also, for epithet erased, its good enough that i was willing to sit through ads for episode 4 and 5

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the driver was espteined

the driver unfortunately cut his own brakes and his dashcam weirdly was out that day

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impossible, he crashed into a building not another car

so tragic
