54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

He plays Tempo Thief Necrium Highlander Galakrond Dragon Rogue. And he is unstoppable.

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spoilers for mid-late Homestuck idk it's been a while since I read it

Nah, the character I’m referring to starts with f and ends with efeta


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More spoilers

I mean, it’s not like Aradia dies before the comic even starts, then dies again 500 times while fighting the Black King, and this is just a casual thing that happens. Being a character in Homestuck is extremely hazardous to your health, seriously.

I’m like 90% sure that there’s not a single character in Homestuck who dosen’t die at least once, and the only characters who live are the lucky ones who get brought back to life through Time Shenanagins™ ,but don’t quote me on that

Do you count the scratch in that?

our table has like 5 groups
today our DM scheduled a game for one of them
but only one player appeared from that group + 3 players who were from other groups but wanted to spectate the game
so the DM said
“fuck it”
“I’ll DM to you even if it is ONLY you”

so rn he is controlling 3 player characters to DM for a single person.

it’s online so I can screenshot the battlemap

he is controlling everything but TWO tokens (other player just appeared)
he is a mad lad

I only know two things about the scratch: it’s a kind of universe reset button, and also it’s not exactly that and it’s going to be… strange.


Anyone interested in Ryse: Son of Rome?

I won a steam key for it in a giveaway, but it’s not really my type of game.

@Hippolytus this reminded me of you





I just talked with a friend here
And we both came suddenly to the point that you did hecking correct reads on us on D1
You called us for all our scum mistakes we’ve done
I don’t think I ever felt myself so “understood”
Just wanted to say you’re actually awesome

thats all i am now huh


Be happy that I called you a friend!
I have completely different words for you, my daughter


just got back my SAT scores

do good?

i got a 1560.
perfect in math
like a couple missed in reading


damn thats good

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