54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I just saw the Rise of Skywalker, so uh… it’s gonna take me a bit to deal with the pain

its so fucking bad ikr

What “steps” do you need to take if you want to host a FM again? I think they were changed and I’m too lazy to go search for it so…

(I couldn’t find a better word then “steps” but basically like a FM Queue if that makes sense)

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I mean, it drew emotions out of me and I enjoyed the action scenes, but… the ending really made me mad

Spoilers in the spoilers thread please :eyes:

Go to the FM queue page

Submit your FM to the queue

Wait for you to get assigned a reviewer

nebulous process I don’t fully understand



There’s no Star Wars spoiler thread, Arete :^)

I loved it

But u tell me star wars and I’m gonna like it

Even the Holiday Special?

Oh no. Not that one. Chewbacca dad is too creepy

Yes there is

Check offtopic

Don’t you have to review before putting it on the queue
I always reviewed first

The thread says that you’ll have a reviewer assigned to you once you’ve submitted it to the queue

I make the laws.

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Present Merry!!

When you are the Law, I am your Priestess


@emilia thanks best girl


[vague to the point of being near-useless because reasons]

something is probably wrong

I don’t know what to do about this beyond ‘yes theoretically if I were more competent I could do the Standard Advice Thing and maybe it would help, or maybe not’

would appreciate advice but, like, this is vague to the point of being near-useless