54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Neutral Killer

Unstoppable Evil(Passive) - If you are to die, a random satanist will die instead. If you are bled, a random satanist will die instead. You are also occupy and redirect immune.

Convert The sinners(Day) - Make a town Player a Satanist. They keep their class but their wincondition temporarily changes into Ensure Satan is in the final 3 players alive for this day, this night, and the next day and night. If this player is not a member of the town or unconvertable, you will instead bleed them. [Inf use]

Spread the message(Night) - Send an anonymous message to all of the satanists. This can be used alongside Bloodshed [inf use]

Bloodshed(Night) - Kill a player. If this ability is targeted at a satanist, you will be able to select a second target as well,

be among the last 3 players alive

just waiting for 666 at this point

Add a passive that automatically adds it and all dead scum to a mason chat called Hell, and it’s perfect.


Neutral Killer

Unstoppable Evil(Passive) - If you are to die, a random satanist will die instead. If you are bled, a random satanist will be bled instead. You are also occupy and redirect immune.

Hell(Passive) - If a player is a satanist and dies, they will not join deadchat and instead share a private chat with you and any other dead satanists.

Convert The sinners(Day) - Make a town Player a Satanist. They keep their class but their wincondition temporarily changes into Ensure Satan is in the final 3 players alive for this day, this night, and the next day and night. If this player is not a member of the town or unconvertable, you will instead bleed them. [Inf use]

Spread the message(Night) - Send an anonymous message to all of the satanists. This can be used alongside Bloodshed [inf use]

Bloodshed(Night) - Kill a player. If this ability is targeted at a satanist, you will be able to select a second target as well,

be among the last 3 players alive

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Just one more!

Got tired of waiting, eh?

i was afraid htm was gonna snag my spot

so i put some filler in there

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Happy New Year! (unless it’s not 2020 for you yet)

lol imagine posting in 2020



lol imagine posting



I’m from the future, from 2020

lmao nerd

2020 sucks


The Lich2

If The Lich had art of it

I had a nice prompt and should draw it tomorrow to take the rust off my drawing skillz


(In 10 minutes, but happy new years any ways.)


ok now happy new year

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Happy New Decade!

It’s gonna be the New Year for me soon, but… I don’t feel like there’s anything special

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Maybe it’s because I became so self-aware of how things can get so loud and rowdy from alcohol and to me… It’s awful. I’d rather take in what I did the whole year and push it aside so I can do better… Man, I’m a buzzkill

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happy new year everyone!