54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Just read faster :upside_down_face:

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imagine going out of the way to destroy a community by literally banning fucking activity and then instantly banning every single FM thread, even the ones that don’t and didn’t violate the rules


Marshal told me otherwise :eyes:

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I mean a couple of people had posts that tripped the profanity filter but … that’s also true of basically every person on the site…

We only had one “problem” player (out of roughly a hundred) and it’s debatable whether they actually broke any site rules

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man I came from a discussion forum and on heated debates we would get 3 pages in a hour just with 2 people discussing and each post with 2 paragraphs

abortion thread in a nutshell tbh
when that thing was ressurected it BLEW.

look this site’s playerbase is drying up
giving a mass injection of a whole site’s playerbase would bring us back to life


also religion/lgbt ones but their posts had 1-paragraph ± each post and they were also way cringier

which means that I get to do amoral bastard expirments on people who don’t know better


And then deleting threads from an ongoing game (that hadn’t broken any rules) rather than just locking them

which means it is the perfect opportunity to present myself as a respectablue human being ahahhahahahhahaha!

You were redcheck reaction test

This is only sort of a joke

I’ve never had any trouble keeping up with threads (whether or not I was in them) so I don’t really buy this excuse

maybe I’m typicalminding but

If you spend a shitton of time, sure.
If you are a mod who doesnt care for FM but has to check your whole thread, cuz it was flagged so many times, its hell.

If I were 20 percent pettier and 50 percent less worried about making us look bad I would get some of the people there to have long, thoughtful, productive, on-topic discussions and then report the posts for producing 16 minutes worth of content in a single day

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it’s not the actual rules that are the issue, it’s the fact they were foisted on the community without even consulting them


that unwillingness to work out a solution with a small but active and dedicated subset of your community because they annoy you somehow is worth criticising


Huh…I just found this edited post.

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anyway I should probably get back to writing my novel but I’m experiencing Writer’s Anxiety™ about the introduction of my new character

i feel an urge to make them non-binary but i’m struggling to find natural words to introduce them
for context, they’re human, because I’m not in the mood to handwave issues like that by making non-binary characters aliens

i could do a much better job introducing an aromantic/asexual character for… obvious reasons, but I already have an aroace character and quite frankly non-binary folks need the damn representation, even if it’s from a book that i’m writing for the sake of it


because for context i’ve saddled myself with a framing device where the character writing the narrative is from the same time period, so I’m trying to figure out how to explain being non-binary in a society where said identity is already Reasonably™ accepted without coming across as exposit-y and preachy.

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