54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Nah y’all can’t scare me away lmao

I reserve the right to bring my terrible setups with me here tho


Unfortunately not sure if I can do a turbo rn just bc I’ve got a lin alg quiz in a few hours I haven’t studied for oops

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Sounds fun.

Did you forget our NFoL with Kape?

I also have a stupidly hard to balance FM in the queue which is still being reviewed bc the reviewer is too busy for it rn

do you like tabletop rpg Darth

Don’t think I’ve encountered one so idk yet

Down to try it tho

Down to play if it ever gets approved lmao

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FM balance is mostly nebulous and is really about understanding how little power to give people while still having it be interesting tbh

also it’s about how easily you can trick your players into playing another setup that forces them to make haikus
that as well

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@PoisonedSquid @Luxy @eevee-sama

Can one of you bump up @darth_tabor to TL2? I’ve played with her on another forum and can vouch for her.

Nah, I couldn’t find the main game. I managed to find the signups but not the game itself, can you link it to me?

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This sounds very entertaining btw

honestly the haiku thing is just a running joke in my setups tbh
don’t worry about it

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My favorite hosting experience. Thank you for helping me host newbie to host this.

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Added it, tbh I enjoyed hosting it also, despite the fact I barely did much.


we got them to undelete our thread temporarily, so that we can back it up to another site


I tried to give little power.
I tried.

I still won :stuck_out_tongue: . I set it up so either i get converted and win or stop conversion and win

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