54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

thats a jab at me, but i accept it. That game was shit

It wasn’t a jab at you, actually
I’m referring to stuff like what I did for SFoL 50, where I gave people the option to choose between two classes of same faction

i dont recall that, but why did it end up so bad?

Heavy slanking and one scumfaction was significantly stronger than they should be

we host Grand Idea as we have no idea what we’re doing.

why link me th0

This looks like a job for me

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Here’s a Grand Idea Idea:

Ranged Grand Idea (RGI)

Instead of rolling through the entire list, you choose a range that includes 1 of every faction. (BD, Cultseen, Neutral, NK)
If you do not choose a range, it will be assumed that the entire thread is your range.

well ive been post algebra since i started highschool so at very least thats not the bar

I like how this thread is kinda just the coffee shop chat where we can talk to eachother in a casual way


Ok boomer

Ok zoomer.

This perspective is objectively correct :^)


just dont mention it at all when introducing them. if it comes up as important to the plot, sure, if not, leave it.
or perhaps have the misgender them soon after meeting them, then have the character in question correct them, and then move on. because its accepted enough for people to not care about it, but not enough for it to be a conclusion a given person would make without prior information.

hey, maybe the character in question could go on a small rant about it to MC, to exposit the situation, then have the MC be all like “actually im cool with it i just didnt know” “oh” and have it be a neat moment.
or maybe have them talk about what it was like “in the past” (whether the information is from their memory or hand-me-down from a parent or someth) and how its different.

just spitballing though



Join the Game, or lose your Fame

New class type just dropped :wolf:

NK with extra steps


@katze I love when you :newspaper_roll: me