54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Did u really do that





:newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll:


@Ami I hope you and your family are well, and I’m sorry for anything that happened.

Don’t worry, I like it too when my daughter takes the newspaper
It’s normally when I’ve done something wrong and don’t want to listen :upside_down_face:

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Wait? Did I say I do sometimes something wrong? Thats impossible. I never do mistakes, I swear. Like really, doing mistakes? Smh Priestess

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She’s my hecking daughter, Emi. Lul

Thats exactly What worries me

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If you don’t give the kids the power to make you to at least listen, they’ll just be frustrated as hell. And for yourself it is a good correctum. Always try to have some people who you are trusting, who are not afraid of telling you their real opinion, when you’ve done shit.

Doing shit once… it happens. When you realize it was wrong and try to learn from it. Real hell is to do the same mistakes over and over, cuz your friends don’t want to hurt you, and the rest doesn’t care enough or thinks you are doing it on purpose.

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I enjoyed it until high school as in high school they introduced new rule where u had to do 50 pushups, situps, have long stretch, and run non stop for about 1.5 hours at like 6 mph. I have physical conditions that held me back from being able to do 3 of the 4 well so it just made me feel horrible. Especially when ur grade relies on it. Luckily they went a little easier on me with the grading but it would almost always still drop me a letter grade

imagine actually having the energy to do excercise for more than 10 minutes
this post was brought to you by the low muscletone gang


Ici’s final review of Homestuck, now that I’ve actually finished it:

homestuck is a byzantine mess that is nonetheless amazing in every way that absolutely nobody actually understands but is nonetheless 100% neccecary reading in order to actually understand the internet

it’s basically an enjoyable and intricate initaition ritual that simultaneously makes you want to die because it’s also a parody of itself

the beginning is funny but trite
and then a dogman is murdering billions of innocent people and there are actual stakes
which is incredible
how the fuck does a story in which there is only a single character who dosen’t die and come back to life at least once have stakes

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i’m not joking about there only being a single character who dosen’t die and come back to life

also let’s see
these three events destroy two entire universes

  • a guy texts another guy an Insane Clown Posse music video
  • a man dosen’t like wearing a hat, murders a woman
  • a man is beaten up because he draws shitty hentai

also the music slaps


Homestuck is a little wack ngl