54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the good thing about Giffy is that he usually answers questions on Reddit about his PDF by himself
mostly people ask questions about Giffy’s so frequently at r/darkerdungeons5e it is almost the Giffyglyph sub

nvmd it actually IS the Giffyglyph sub
it is the sub for his pdf “Darker Dungeons”

Will have something in by the end of today

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Hoes Mad

Smash community in absolute shambles

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Expanded spell list

Spell Level Spells
1st Detect Magic, Thunderwave
2nd Detect Thoughts, Enlarge/Reduce
3rd Blink, Water Breathing
4th Arcane Eye, Fabricate
5th Animate Objects, Telepathic Bond

So I’ve heard bad things about the Fool.


A lot of utility and wizard spells, I like it as it fits fluff

The idea here is spells to help in completing their given tasks
so yeah

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I’ve heard about The Templar, a supposed Unseen Paladin convert

it was also a syndicate killer which i played as

Is there art of it?


Make one then

Ok guys we’re gonna parade Jake to make are of the Unseen Templar and he has to do it because he’s suspended and thus can’t deny.

Isaac is a mod

ok pls dont take this post serious

I had to doublecheck

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You managed to blow up your cover mate smh




as someone who plays like 3 different fire emblem characters
