54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

wasn’t the eyepatch dude dat’s old pfp?

im sorry i dont do weeb so idk what those nerds are called

You mean Dimitri? Yes.

I love this name

Just make me mod

We need a blocking system so I can block everyone and talk to myself

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I probably fucked this up haaard @Mercenary

Flavor name

All features of your class (spells, abilities, spellcasting DC) that rely on your Charisma modifier can instead use your modifier for the primary spellcasting stat of your patron, whichever is higher.
Additionally, the brand of your patron will appear on your forehead and cannot be removed by magical means.

Flavor name

Starting at 10th level, you become an even more potent enforcer of your patron’s will. You gain proficiency with all skills that match your patron’s primary spellcasting stat.
You also gain a +2 to passive perception at all times to notice relevant items and people to your patron’s goals.

Flavor name

Starting at 10th level, your trials have granted you a certain knack for adjusting to current situations, albeit at the cost of forgetfulness. Upon finishing a long rest, you can choose to forget one known spell in order to learn a different one (cannot forget cantrips to learn spells and vice versa).

Flavor name

Starting at 14th level, when failing a save, you can expend the raw magical power given to you by your patron to reroll that save. This feature can only be used 1 + your Charisma modifier times, regained by finishing a long rest.

Isn’t 10th already given at those new UAs for all warlocks?

And dunno I think it is too on the nose
Needs more ribbon.jpeg



My unis grades suck for the uni I wanted let’s see if I can use them in Portugal or shit like that

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Apparently Europe is shit to everyone outside the European Union
Now let me check Britain for the memes
Do you unis really think I’m paying 3000 euro/year when I can study for fucking free smh

Tip: skip the fuck outta America unless you want to be in debt your whole life

If you want to be in debt your whole life then go right ahead


I think my family is rich enough to pay for Oxford but not for Harvard, in which case I would indeed be in debt for my whole life
But I am not the fuck going to pay that

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I actually think Harvard offers financial assistance to most people who attend

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Has to be it is shit expensive

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I wish I had searched for that before but I gotta be kind on myself for being cripplingly depressed before too

Apparently it is easier to transfer than to join lmao

It think I’m going to stay here due student bills and then I hope to transfer to one of the like 3 unis that should have international recognization
I just don’t want to work on this country

the market is shit
the market is specially shit for technology
the market is way too specially shit for science
heck no.

I’ll fix