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have you ever actually kissed someone Marshal

this is getting spicy

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Negative utilitarianism is the way

yes once

but it had little romance attatched

mkay story time
remember that summer camp i mentioned

Oh god oh fuck


that makes more sense than anything else you’ve said in this conversation

There biology to that

What have I said that doesnt make Sense?

Marshal is a member of the Unseen because they gay

basically there was this one gorl

we actually did kinda hit it off(similar tastes in music and she liked vidyagames)

But her whole cabin thought she was gay and i was gay

so at like the end of the term we kissed
to stick it to our cabin mates basically

…so really just peer pressure

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p sure i see her again this summer so who tf knows how that’s gonn go

Marshal, I ain’t in the cult of Marshal. You really think you’re ticks are gonna-


silence jake u have no idea what 2 weeks of isolation with hooligans can do to make u insecure

it’s obv fun there but also pretty degrading

2 weeks?

Try your life.

nah but in life there are other places to go, like… the internet.

there you’re stuck interacting with 8-10 boys your age for most of the 2 week period

bonds r formed but real housewives level of drama can go down

Who knew all of y’all were between the ages of 0+



tl;dr shit goes down

i have stories upon stories from that place

the councelers are all college kids and a good 40% don’t give a fuck
leadership gives a fuck but are rarely seen

marshal is texan?

who would’ve guessed

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