54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Tbh pretty sure that’s every camp

~from College Kid Counselor Who Also Did Not Give A Fuck Lmao


perfect, now i can slap marshal

did u rly not know

as datbird said once

“it’s like… his only personality trait”


hmmm so close to 33333

Who’s Marshal? I only know Texas.

im gonna snatch the cookie when ur not looking



I have already stolen the cookie



Not if I eat it first

i remember stealing it from disco

that was fun

cookie is mine

I’ve actually never been to a summer camp more than 3 days long

i’ve done 2 weeks at the same place for 4 years now

I don’t get the appeal

maybe because it’s cold here so I want to appreciate summer here as much as possible

Overnight camps are an ~experience~

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