54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

your name is fine

well i was named after the saint named after my grandfather

but im just saying i was named after the saint

nah its pretty fucking dumb

party peter is my fucking idol

but regularly im a bitch

to be fair most names kind of suck

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I’ve spent years plural trying to pick a new one, I would know

arete would be a badass name tbh

so would marshal imo


So do we have to wait until Monday?

i hope nit lul

I’ve considered it but I kinda want a name that people actually think of as such

also no one would pronounce it right



It’s obviously Arête.

I know you’ve posted the pronounciation before, but I’ll keep pronouncing it like this.

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itwill’ be uh-reet until the end of time

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I don’t get how you simultaneously think Arete is a good name and think it’s pronounced uh-reet

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if u do it people will just assume you had hippy as fuck parents and u get to keep a cool name

I was also named after a Saint, and I am very happy with that. It reminds me constantly of who I am.

And I won’t stop calling you Aréte… like the greek word, but with accent on the second syllable instead of the third.


you share names with my recently put down cat (and with one of my best friends)

guess you’re next on the chopping block :knife:


change my mind

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Different exes, I have multiple.

None ended well, one ended horribly. The one that ended horribly is the one that lives in Wisconsin.

Oh god, there are quite some parallels between me and her :eyes:

She wanted to go to the cloister, but her father arranged her marriage with a man with a pretty bad lifestyle and character. She got two daughters and managed to redeem her husband, before he died only a few years later. She refused outright to marry again (she was only 20), instead she took care of her daughters, and helped the poor and sick. Later she took abandoned girls from the streets, and took them as her own daughters.

you can’t say your name sucks when you’re on a thread with someone called “Aaron”

Not to mention my 2nd name begins with a W.

Alphabetical Order:
Always First
Surname Order:
Always Last

this sounds really convenient honestly

with that said, how many times do you get called “a-a-ron”? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd7FixvoKBw

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