54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

A-fucking-lot. More often than you’d expect.

It’s literally all I’m called.

But personlly, I enjoy the name.

if i knew an aaron i’d do it too

because im very original and funny

i do, however, know a blake and denise :eyes:

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:eyes: Magnus has arrived.

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Blake is pronounced Blay-K
Denise is pronounced D-Knees

I don’t conversation with them I just refer to myself as we and us

are you trying to go to war, a-a-ron?

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whispers in your ear so that you almost dont notice
puuuuuuuuurrre mathematiccssss

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I am a math nerrrrd

yesssss, dew iiitttt

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I kinda want to host a One Piece RP during the Summer, but I’ve never hosted an RP before.

RP or misc

RP like the superpower one Magnus is hosting now.


You talking about me?
Also i’m fine to give advice if needed.

Also it’s my 1 Year anniversary today!



i hit 100 days recently

im so new to these lands :eyes:


Happy anniversary!

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Would people be interested in playing this?