54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I wouldn’t fault ur freind unless he/she knew that you would get like this

according to stats depression is Life threatening

They didn’t.

They don’t know much past that I had cancer and some branch of my family own majority of shares from main polish oil, coal and construction companies.

I’m not sharing most of this stuff on daily baisis tbh.

Yoyoyo. You should head over here please ^^


wrong thread chloe

she meant this one


Wait no I think I meant this one


oh wait you’re right my b


Imagine thinking you can get me

I mean, it’s not really venting as I’m not really angry.

I’m just wondering when my life did turn in this direction.

Its triggering and some people come here for happiness

No, but it made me realize how little big individual achievements I’ve done

I don’t usually talk about myself and part of me just snapped

this isnt happiness thread

cookies = happy to some people :eyes:

Let’s be honest, none of us did any big indivicual achievements.

That’s why we are here.

Shots fired

But not totally wrong

Again, I didn’t come here to be attacked

Like if we did something special, we would not have time for games and forum mafia tbh.

Doing special things requiers a comitment.

I’m 19 years old and I haven’t gotten a job nor a license. If it wasn’t for me going to college, I’d basically be an American version of a NEET

god what the fuck am I doing with my life