54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Marry me.

No big expectations from me for once.


I need to go and become a Med Tech first :^)

no cookies are evil and cause pain

the question is why is achieving something better than not doing that

I agree. No cookies are evil

Also, I don’t know who the hell I am sexuality-wise. I mean… I might be bisexual? I know I’ve dated before, but they were both dudes, so I have little experience

we should have a serious discussion thread

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I’m fine with that?

Triangles are fun.

make one

imagine being heterosexual


I was


I don’t understand this word

Don’t have to


okay, for you marshal

imagine not being heterosexual

the war room would welcome you

I mean, sexuality is just expectations again.

Screw expectsations.

Just do what you think is right.

Who you think is right*

Just don’t have expectations then you’re never disappointed

my mindset tm

life goes where it goes