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Y is everyone here not straight

Like wut

Not a bad thing but shocking-ish to me as 95% of my student body is straight or closeted.

Although catholic school so closeted much more likely

…although one of my freinds did just come out as bi so maybe it’s shifting



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all the boys here want you

all the girls here don’t want you


Stop talking about me

:man_shrugging: I’m used to girls not wanting me lulll


w-what are you doing step sis :flushed:

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You are not trying hard enough Marshal.


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I’m not trying really at all cuz I don’t care that much at this point

imagine caring about relationships in hs

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Like I’ll focus on school and FM and my freind group

Maybe I’ll find someone but it’s not really my main concern at this point

Being bi means double the rejection :sunglasses:

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Like my friend literally gets a girl for a night every time he goes to pub.
Some of them for longer relationship than a night.
All it takes is having a well-spoken personality.

He also says that if I wanted to, I would be able to get girls evne easier than him, cause I can talk even easier than him with pretty much everyone.
It’s just not my philosophy to do it.

Imagine being in a relationship

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But getting a girlfriend takes a night.



Like for fucks sake, you are a mafia player.
You should know how to talk with people.

Go to the girl, talk with them, get a date. Done.

Even when I dated in past it was as easy as just going, talking, having good time, done.

I do not know how to talk at people at all

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i’ve never had a healthy relationship start from someone i met at the bar

Not that easy when I have about 40 girls to choose from and I think 33 of them wouldn’t want to date me.

And if I have a GF i want it to be someone I know well and vibe with

Which narrows it down to about… 2

Not that easy eevee

1/2 of my social time is spent in awkward silence

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