54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mean…



And that’s for my city, which is even cheaper than Warsaw (polish capital):


Okay but New York is like… one of the most expensive states. Still, thats bonkers

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It really do be like that in NY

yeah but thats just the price we pay for FREEDOM:tm:

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I mean, Warsaw is the most expensive polish city. Duh.

Also is that Washington State or DC?

Okay, let’s do stupid comaprision.

How much is 1kg of apples in your region / city?

4.55 USD

i have no clue but google says $5.30 which sounds like more than what i pay when i buy apples but i won’t question google

my sense of money isn’t great tbf

Honestly less than I expected

$3.98 USD at home (NY)
$2.13 USD here (Ontario)

Solution: bring all my apples across the border

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There’s a decent chance I’m coming to Poland next winter on a school history trip

The closest supermarket to me offers 1kg of apples for 2.95zł per kg according to theirs website.

Which translates to 0.74$ per kg.


i ship marshal x eevee

Aight im transferring to a uni in Poland


Just come here.

It’s cheap to live her.
Education is free… or rather very cheap for foreigners.
We also have ones of best universities in europe.

the ore sisters relocate to poland

the unexpected twist in the finale of our saga