54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

yes it is

try it


you will agree

my father does so too


It adds a whole other step to my shower

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And I usually shower in the morning anyways

its easy as shit

when you are ready for soap

peel those bad boys off

see in that case don’t shower-sock

your entire family needs to be cleansed, marshal

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im a night-showerer

i just hate getting up early and am a night owl in general

I have to soap and wash my hair in the shower though I’m not going to waste 2-5 minutes on washing my socks

without socks on

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I’d shower at night but then my hair would always look absolutely terrible

The perils of having curly hair

i take like 25 minute showers

because i have the fucking time and don’t pay the water bills

and my hair requires a 4-step treatment which takes like 10 minutes on its own

and i shave in the shower like every few nights so that ups the average

the 5 minutes when i shower sock is when i whetten my hair and wait for the shower to reach peak heat

i then peel those bad boys off

beauty treat my hair



good as new


at first i wasnt sure you were serious

but this isn’t a bit

and im worried for you

im scared for you


and I thought I took long showers

meanwhile my showers used to take about 40 minutes

i have to methodically comb my hair to prevent hair-glue sticking

then shampoo

then 2-in-1

then conditioner

all takes around 10 minutes cuz i have T H I C C hair

I can’t AFFORD long showers

not money wise time wise

I have thick hair and I don’t have to do that much tf