54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

yeah but do you use hair gel daily



because if i don’t my hair is objectively awful

thick hair squad

fuck showers

so i use it

and i use a lot

because otherwise my hair will stick up or out or something

and its bad

i also have a face scrub to prevent pimples which is like 2-3 minutes

My hair rarely does that the main thing I have to worry about is frizzy-ness

which I can’t fix when it’s hot

and my shower takes forever to heat up too

if i want it at max

im waiting 5 minutes

I have given up on that aspect tbh

They are either not there or they are everywhere

so add 5 + 10 + 2.5

thats already 17.5 minutes

and then body wash which is another good 2.5-5 minutes if i want to be thorough

and i’ve already hit 20

Just go faster

otherwise i look like a goddamned mess

or as my friends kindly put it, a crackhead

and they aren’t wrong

not easy

low-pressure slow-heating shower with long treatment procedure racks up time

low pressure

I feel bad for you

yeah my shower/showerhead suck

might be part of it

still a long beauty treatment though

Do you sleep with socks on

hell no

i sleep

Okay at least you’re not completely evil

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