54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

What did you play? :eyes:

Lemme guess. Trumpet

Well i still play alto sax
I was in marching band this past fall
i may do marching band next fall (although at this point probs not) and i might audition again for jazz band at some point

serenade me n

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italy is here to post something completely unrelated

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Hell yeah I love alto. My best friend is studying Music Performance in Irvine - emphasis on Alto/Tenor. I was in marching band as well. Not in the band here though - though I want to look into it for fall

Ironically i started with trumpet in 5th grade but i quit the trumpet and switched to clarinet after a week because it was too heavy for me
where i grew up you had to start with clarinet, flute, trumpet, or trombone in 5th grade if you wanted to play and then switch to percussion in 6th grade or any other melodic band instrument in 7th if you wanted to play something else

Oh jeez they really restrain you huh? I picked clarinet in 2nd grade because of squidward - then shit went from there and I now know 10+ instruments proficiently

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I might pick up clarinet again at some point because i’ve always wanted to play in a symphony orchestra
that’s some of my favorite music to listen to, along with alternative rock / metal

wow that’s impressive

then again i guess it’s a necessity if you’re a performative music major

Eh some people do sports or theater - music was my major hobby and pasttime. It’s not impressive from my perspective haha

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that’s fair
i did soccer for most of elementary school and then a huge theatre production in junior high
my high school experience was quite bumpy; i attended three different high schools

baritone gang rise up

mellophones are a much more powerful group in my school’s marching band

Dude I met my best friend during 6th grade when we were the only two people on the bench on the soccer team LMAO


the group i play board games with now from the marching band has 2 altos including me and just a bunch of mellophones

Rare to find that many mellos. Thats pretty sweet. French Horn is by far my favorite instrument to listen to. Mello doesn’t do it a ton of justice, but its still an amazing instrument

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sadly my best friend from elementary school moved to north carolina soon after he was bar mitzvah’d
i don’t have any friendships at this point that have persisted for an extended period

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