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oh yeah i also went to hebrew school for like 8 years growing up lol

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Both my brothers and I went to the same K-8 school growing up. We got lucky to find a great one, and having an older brother two classes ahead of you makes you a “cool” kid :sunglasses:

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I went to the same school from fourth to twelfth grade :eyes:

Okay I woulda died

My graduating class had ~60 people in it by the time we finished


yeah, i’ve completely changed the group i’ve been attending school with several times
first from pre-school to kindergarten
second from 6th to 7th grade
third from 8th to 9th grade
fourth from first to second high school, 9th to 10th grade
fifth from second to third high school, 11th grade semester 1 to 11th grade semester 2
sixth from third high school to CC (which really, i had a different group of people in every class)
seventh from CC to uni here at tech

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Growing up i was in a weird part of my town residency wise that led the group i went to school with to change twice after pre-school and after 6th grade

i moved to the city before high school and then circumstances including my own choices and other things led me to change high schools twice

imagine being forced to attend a specific school just because it happens to be close to where you live :upside_down_face:


is there just no such thing as middle school and highschool where you live arete

I mean

There were middle-school-only schools and high-school-only schools, but I was happy where I was

this was a thing for me growing up because i failed to get into the magnet school program over and over again
i tested into the hs i went to in 9th grade and chose to switch to my 2nd one in 10th (which was a boarding school)

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doing bad at the second one led me to leave there and attend a ghetto high school on the west side for the rest of HS (and also forced me to take the CC route to have a chance of getting into any decent uni)

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I went to a ghetto public high school and thought i would die but ended up fitting in with the band geeks and honors students and everything somehow worked out… still dont know how the hell I got here

imagine going to a high school you want to attend lmao

this post made by “it was within walking distance” gang

for what its worth, being one of the smarter kids there was cool even if it probably hindered me in the long run

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I still find it vaguely weird that there are people who went to high school and didn’t even know the names of everyone in their grade

like, everyone at my school knew the backstory of everyone else in their grade and in most cases a decent proportion of that of the people in the grades above and below them

your hs was nowhere near as ghetto as my third one lol
almost no ap classes, no band, almost no extracurriculars at all
that’s why i did extreme dual enrollment during senior year, taking college classes elsewhere in the city every weeknight 4-10 and saturdays 9-5

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this is why Minnesota is the best state

I am on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from you arete
I’ve forgotten almost everyone that i don’t go to school with now

which is a bit sad but eh