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… I went to my high school specifically for the marching band tbh. Turned out to be an amazing decision and I don’t regret a thing

im still in contact with like, exactly 3 people i went to school with?

None of the three high schools i attended had a football team or a marching band
The only experience i had with marching band before this past fall was with my junior high who sort of did an understudy thing to the local HS marching band

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i know the names of a few more because hearing “X is at the hospital because of Y” it sticks with you

but thats a different story


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But i did do jrotc at my third high school
So i guess i knew a lot of the marching mechanics already
but i def had to spend a long time learning their way of doing things here at band camp

it wasn’t infrequent

i only had to go like, twice?

but yeah i might be done with music entirely
im too trash to make the jazz band and marching band was too much of a time commitment that hurt my academic performance
and i dont own a clarinet and they don’t have those available for rent here, so symphony orchestra isn’t really a possibility
and im not really interested in anything else
i might have been interested in choir if my vocal skills weren’t so trash, but alas



i’ve been rejected four times by the same acapella group lol

just sing gud 4head


Alright who wants to start a band

I’m pretty sure if I auditioned for an acapella group they would laugh me out of the room

i got kicked from band because my instrument kept breaking
i still can’t figure out how the fuck a mouthpiece breaks
it worked just fine when you blew into it but if you put it in, zero air went into the instrument and so it didn’t make any noise

this is essentially what they did to me every time

not fun

ive never really tried to sing because i don’t think im capable of it

with that said

if i could sing “ayaya” in an acapella group i could maybe pull it off

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… did you try blowing air into the instrument without the mouthpiece?

good mouthpieces are expensive
i spent $175 each on a concert mouthpiece and a jazz mouthpiece

…no actually