54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Is this you

I’m not listening with my roommate studying next to me unless you want me to lol

i think if you just said “des-pa-cito” and then maybe the next two lines and we’d be happy

with that said this isnt bad

it is arete

It is

I would recommend sparing your roommate from having to hear me sing


Arete has a habit of granting wishes I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

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arete can you grant me the wish of being good at forum mafia


only if they’re made in purple text

what do you wish you were better at?

forum mafia

You sound like my grandmother at sunday service. Which isn’t inherently a bad thing. I just will now forever see you as my grandmother. Sorry

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Is this going to be my version of being confused like @Kirefitten about red text

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I love my grandparent arete


@Arete should I see you as my grandmother too or no :thinking:

in all seriousness i’d probably be better off asking this after that ongoing game ends

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what aspect of it

you all should here my sister sing
she’s really great
i got the short end of the stick like you orange

i think my aunt has perfect pitch

you guys should hear me sing

it’s pretty awful and im not gonna do it

but one day maybe

I had perfect pitch a year or so ago but I’ve really been slacking on being a human being lately so all my skills have kinda gone byebye

When I’m tuning

If I think I’m flat, I adjust as if I’m sharp

If I think I’m sharp, I adjust as if I’m flat

That works almost every time

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I’m a good singer I just hate people. I cant sing in front of anyone I’m not comfortable with lmao

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