54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I watched a review for this shitty horror movie and there’s an actual app related to it, so I downloaded it and it says I only have 13 days to live. Probably gonna get coronavirus

you mean that one
what was it

where it predicts the exact time you will die and if you try to prevent your death you get tortured until it’s actually time for you to die or something

The trailer looks boring and it looks like it has way too many clichés.

Yeah, that’s the one

I mean, the movie itself looks really bad, especially with the ending.

Does anyone even care about spoilers for a crappy movie?

I don’t care about spoilers even for good movies.

Countdown 2: Electric Boogaloo

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This joke tho…

Hey now that I think about it they’re trying to find volunteers for an experiment to get a strain of Corona for €4000.

It would mean I wouldn’t have to hear anything remotely related to that garbage.

Where’s the trial held? :eyes:

4000 euros just to catch a virus?
that’s quite the deal

I know, and you don’t have to be involved in basic human interaction for 2 weeks, it’d be amazing!


especially considering

we don’t even know for 100% that all of these deaths were caused by coronavirus

wait wtf
I understand why but why

For research.

i’d totally take that deal
4000 euros just to get sick

You know
I get


My school might go online cuz coronavirus

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