54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

My school would probably rather let us all die than going online.

probably the same here but later

There was rumors of coronavirus at a school near us

If it’s confirmed

We likely fucking go online

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There’s a case in our city but nobody cares so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

There’s only three confirmed cases in Wisconsin and none of them are near where I live so I’m probably not going all online anytime soon

You dropped something lol \

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there’s a case over here in texas too
just under 200 miles away from where i am

Wait, you live in Texas? Then why is your name Italy?!

You’ll never know…

but this means that i can, on request, drive over to marshal and punch him in the face


theres cases in new Orleans
guess who has to commute to new Orleans

is this a trick question

can i phone a friend?


Do it.

excuse me for roughly 4-8 hours


I can punch in marshal in the face if I drive for like 16 hours

And I’m getting my license soon :sunglasses:

@Marshal you best be worried

i only have to drive for 4

I can punch Marshal in the face if I figure out where he lives and how to get there from New York without my parents noticing I’m gone.

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ill punch you all in the face