54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


imma go get snack

Are you going to be able to connect or no

yeah ic an play the game just fine

i just hate that my account is linked to a temp email and you reminded me about that

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can we play ToL instead
ToS is just utter garbage and dying



i agree with this

i also added marshal sulit and chloe

nono >:(

cries in mac

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just dualboot 4head

Add me skrub

its for the memes

should i assume your name is orangeandblack5


it’s actually orangeandblack4 on ToS

every time he moves sites he increments by 1

ill add all of the orangeandblacks

Oh my goodness Kat

Your name though

:eyes: Hopefully he doesn’t do that for his passwords too.


the thing is

i dont really know why i named myself this

i mean i was drunk

but like

ive gone by “kat” or a similar name for like… 15 years

and my name on ToS is quite the opposite

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its not english

but it translates to “DOGgod”


well, more accurately would probably be HOUNDgod

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