54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

y’all better prepare for the worst tos gameplay of your life. ive forgotten how to write a will properly and alllllll that fun stuff

You see I’d be fine with ToL

But I find it extremely confusing and I’ve played it like twice

And I don’t understand

play tol

become one of us

…one of us

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if only there were people around to teach you… thats lame

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those pesky guides are annoying

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if we play tol hopefully we can dodge any guide+s

they ruin the gmae


why chloe

why are we

on the same page

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In what language?

darn guides they’re always so annoying

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no, we’re on the same squire

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I see what you did there.

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guides+ out :^)

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guides in

judges out


judges out

ill rule the land

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tf is a guide+? can i eat it

Anyways Arete/Chloe what’s your eta


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im ready whenever. im eating a pickle