54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

what were you advertising

fucking nothing lol

I DM’d two people about wanting to play a game

big f



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like a tol game or forum game?

only link in last two weeks posted
possible oversight

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Advertising for forums being banworthy seems weird.
Maybe there was some bad blood / miscommunication involved alongside it?

Orange always has bad blood with i42 leadership.
This does not surprise me

Maybe because they thought you were advertising ToS with what you had posted
That might be the case.
Should be pretty easy to clear up

in this case there’s literally no evidence to back it up so I think Burden of proof is on mods


it probably is but im not going to be a fool and ask for any.

Arete is no mod. And you cant appeal for someone else.

especially since tryph has always hated my guts

Can u at least tell us what happened?

I asked Chloe if they wanted to play a game that wasn’t ToL

How is that ban worthy when yall played TOS yesterday?


My question

Imagine randomly dming someone to advertise for a different game, may it be tos or another social deduction game.