54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

imagine they played it yesterday together


i was also asked this same question

and am currently playing it



weird ban :eyes:

i dont think ya should be banned for playing ToS lmfao

orange has walked the line and pissed leadership off one too many times
Like I said, i’m not surprised.

he wasnt banned for asking me and chloe to play ToS

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I was today for the same thing tho

wait then why was he?

ToS was yesterday

Just appeal and see?

well, more specifically

he didn’t ask us to play ToS


I don’t think I can comment on the situation


also @orangeandblack5 they want you to ready ingame

What I’m doing rn


I dont see how asking to play any game through dm with someone you are probably friends with is ban worthy. But thats me

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there was probably more.
like i said, orange has a habit of pissing leadership off.

Just let him appeal. The rest is his private stuff. Thanks.

I don’t have a habit of doing things to piss anyone off tho

And no there was literally nothing more

I asked Kat and Chloe if they wanted to play a game

Chloe said “not right now” and Kat said “sure”

Then I got banned for advertising

End of story

tryph probably hates your guts like he hates mine
I’m not surprised, still

I don’t feel like I’ve really interacted with him so I would hope that isn’t the case

Besides, he’s playing Rainbow Six: Siege right now

And only cool people do that

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