54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Yeah but

what if

I execute you instead?

/vote Arete

please execute me to fulfill my win condition

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im a devout athiest with a seething dislike for the catholic church

and even i think he’s chill

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@JakeTheWolfie has died! They were…


Die at night lol

if there’s 2 things I know about texans is that they love guns and america

So use your guns and manifest destiny

and ur still going to a christain private school

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the term “devout atheist” sounds like an oxymoron

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it is, and that’s the joke

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Marshal, what is gay bacon?


Also wait what

i don’t give a damn about religion

and i don’t even know who the pope is

and the only reason i go is my grandparents make me go
if i refused and went to a different school(which i kinda wanted to do >:( ) they would likely pull college funding for me

and if they found out i was an atheist i and my mother would be disowned. Not joking. And while we are well-off enough to put enough towards college, i wouldn’t have to worry at all about college funds which 99% of people do and i’d be a fool to put my personal beleifs over that opportunity

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He’s the Pope! P-o-o-p pope!

Who doesn’t

That’s more like it

Apparently you also don’t give a damn about knowledge :thinking:

and my school isn’t terrible either

we got a good theater program and i heard a good psych, economics, and gov teachers as well

rip lambo