54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

As for me I’m gonna go back to the UN

half true

i know what the pope is and what their purpose is

but i don’t know anything about the current pope

so i’d be a fucking idiot to consider outting as an atheist to them for any reason whatsoever

i’ve been jewish my whole life, but if i ever did consider conversion, it would be to baptism, not catholicism. I think the whole power system in the catholic church is stupid.

I was agnostic for a time before, but I realized after a while that I just fear death too much to give up on religion.

Westboro ho

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my philosophy is live life the best you can here.

Even though religion sometimes comes into conflict with my politics (I’m a socialist).

I’m not a Theist.
I’m not an Atheist.
I’m a fictional stain on the world.



(we have many opinions on the discord and thats a safe space join)

That seems incredibly not at all at odds with religion :thinking:

Do you mean ami’s discord
Sorry but no

if you mean that other politics discord, I created that like 4 months ago lol

and don’t adhere to a moral code based off of religion

I have a question:

Deefried video with crisp audio, or crisp video with deepfried audio?

Relatable lmao

no i mean ami’s

i have heavy political opinions there but the no politics doesn’t apply

Pope Pius III is the best pope (speaking purely from a historical perspective and not from a religious perspective, since discussion of religion is against the rules)

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Marshal is his own political party

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wait what it is?

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i honestly despise politics

religion is meh

i’ll respect anyones religion just don’t try to convert me :wink: