54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

GI is questionable content
I recommend choosing a completely random word then trying to figure out how that could work as a wincon

But if you wanted an actually decent non-NE neutral
uh, that’s hard as shit
just do missionary from HoB

already added Missionary from HoB
i’m just questioning if the wincon should be tweaked for NK-less 18p

Do you have a d1 lynch

tell me your idea and I’ll consider if it’s worth it

If d1 lynch, their wincon becomes inanely fucking difficult since cockblocking a d1 lynch which almost always hits a villager is very hard.
I suggest grace period for d1 if there is a d1 lynch

Otherwise, it shouldn’t be that difficult and I don’t think there needs to be changes

As in
It’s tough, but is achievable

oh yeah there’s no D1 lynch.

Given the insane amount of mechanical info bd has to work with it should be fine as is

so in 18p with reduced KP and presumably longer games i thought it might be worth giving them an extra BD hanging’s leeway???

I think they’ll be able to pull it off
Game presumably has 4 lynches that can hit BD (d2/d3/d4/d5)
Guaranteed to be 3-4 nontown for those lynches
Scum have somewhere around 1.5 kp (can be interrupted)
You can do the math from there

Theoretically if it needs help just give it an ability that allows it to sac itself for the lynch (probably a night ability so it needs to be used proactively)

If you change it to extra BD leeway, you have a situation where the only way Missionary can lose is if they play their hand really poorly
In order to lose (assuming 4 lynches), missionary would have to fuck up 3 times, which is fairly hard

i’ve given it the ability to tripleselfvote for the memes already

yeah you’re right i’ll put it back to they lose if there’s two mislynches

plausible ic thats either LW or BD aligned


it also needs more than 6 players alive because Missionary being able to strongarm their own lynch is… yikes

Survivor that needs to make sure that nobody believes they are what they are

Either great or shitty

i mean I considered this with a survivior that guarentees the presence of a shapeshifter (kills neuts to steal their classes and wincons, for reference) but i rejected it. might be worth considering?

and like “oh no better not claim or you’ll have your wincon stolen and they’ll be way better at it than you”