54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

right but you’re not most players

Yep I am a filthy neuts lover

anyway where was i
yes i’m pretty well equipped to say that Alch is bad for FoL

as the most legendary alch player in history, known for technically winning the game but losing spiritually


I brought up the comparison here because the dynamic is just as unfair for the survivor as it was for the sorc

what did you do

i can state firmly that marl did in fact die of the plague and all the rumours are false


any rumour that i bombed him and then pretended that he randomly lied about a key game mechanic for 120 hours straight are all pernicious lies made to discredit me


How tf have you not heard about this

easily the best meme on the site other than marg

I know Ici yolobombed Marl and claimed he died of the plague

I don’t get why this is a big deal

look the reason why is because of how vehemently i claimed that he died of the plague

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and also the fact that i changed my action by editing it, but the host didn’t see the edit, so for about 24 hours I actually believed it before I figured it out





so i actually believed it for quite a while, always suspecting in the back of my mind that i really did it, and that made my protestations that he did very comedic

and then the first post post-game was marl screenshotting the bit of the spreadsheet where I killed him and saying “HRM YES THE PLAGUE DID IT”

I miss Marl

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you had to be there
but it was really funny

i was young and foolish okay

as a person whos hosted two games and almost missed like 3 different edits

couldnt say it better myself