54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

yeah i am concious of my own sins
it was something i picked up from somebody doing it on ToS once, and I had no idea that it was an awful idea because my desire to not kill marl any more was so pure

remember the time when I forgot to include players in the playerlist in the first place

good job me

remember that time when I listed Hippolytus twice in the same game


What do you mean you listed Hippolytus twice?
Those were entirely different people

Somebody told me about that but I can’t find it. Maybe now that I know you hosted it I can.

and it took me until about midway day 1 to realise it, somehow committing a game-breaching mod error in mountainous, that created an accidental IC

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yes sorry i should respect the rights of Hippolytous

why do you think that there are so many hippo alts





we live in a society


couldn’t say it better myself


This is the power of the kat pfp

how far can science go on roles
I’ve gone to depths of wtf am I doing that I didn’t know existed

I literally have one

is it somehow worse than omniscient chat censor neighbouriser

Had to unlike it now

cat or kat :wink:

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The green screen is like a jack of all trades
They can be whatever they want at any time, only constrained by the ‘somewhat’ balance of the mod

okay can i flex about landing a 1% ita shot on a greenpeeked wolf ONE MORE TIME please

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I don’t get it