54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

How much have you been coughing

a good deal more than i have in years


if you think you have the virus then why are you randomly going around in public??


my uncle says i still have to buy my own food
and they don’t sell groceries on amazon

they do, at least where i am, mom did it on Tuesday

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help me with that pls then

Fair enough


ok the link aint working. Look up Amazon Whole Foods Market

i feel like a nerd but i still don’t feel any sense of urgency or panic from the virus yet

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Yeah me neither, cause i aint leaving me house. Except for like the occasional friend get together

Please continue to not feel that

yeah i suppose me not leaving the house very often prior to the virus helps

i now feel an urge to scream


Imagine meeting up with friends in corona time

My brother took way more pills than they were supposed to and I’m worried as shit


Ftr this happened 5 hours ago

yeah it was to play boardgame, but we might just do tts instead.

call Poison Control?

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they seem like the sort of place that would Probably have relevant information and unlike the rest of the medical system they probably aren’t swamped (low confidence)

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