54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

you know the owner of the board game can also mod the game by maintaining the board on a spare table and taking consistent pictures of the board and each player’s cards and dm each player the cards they have

i did that with BSG on this forum last year

My parents talked with the doctor
Apparently it was not a dangerous dosage
But it’s significantly more than they’ve had previously


to much work for gloomhaven

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hope they’re alright


oh gloomhaven

No one in the board game club at my uni was interested in Gloomhaven or 7th Continent at all
So I just returned both of them

Ehm, did he intentionally take more pills then he usually do?

prob best board game ever made imo. A lot of fun

tabletop sim is a godsend

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Dog won’t stop rubbing their ass against the wall


yes that’s probably why it’s ranked number one on the boardgamegeek rankings
regardless, none of my friends like legacy-style games

The UI is utter ass
but the rest of the stuff makes up for it and makes it more than worth the $20

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They don’t really have control of themselves

Is this normal or did my dog break

normal, just give some nice scratching and they’ll forget

He’s been at this for a solid minute and a half

You monster

i think the shitty UI adds to the experience but i also don’t play too many complicated games on it so i don’t know how much of a hindrance it really is

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he still going?
