54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Thats actually a good idea. You care way less for the pressure and stress of FM.


it helped a few times

and then there was the end of EVO mafia

we dont talk about that

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Do I have to arrest you? Speak now and you might get mercy

although my mastermind decision of healing someone i scumread was completely sober



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i think you were drunk once in… what was it, fol 24?

Finally got off my ass and put this in an imgur

i think i was sober for all of fol24?

fol25 though…

to be fair

it’s not like being sober would have made me any more persuadable that you were town

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it’s more fun to play like you are high one ketamine for science reasons

I drunkenly quoted my rolecard

did u really


Next step is to actually be on ketamine :^)

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I’m underage

At 19 you become overage

I’m overage

ok boomer

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do ya think that stops about anyone ages 16-21

you’re older than me :angry:

yeah but it makes me feel better to call people boomers