54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

aka work on my country mafia because I’m bored.

Hey @eevee-sama, could you set @Tilgarial as trusted member so he isn’t limited to only 10 posts a day?

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its nice out



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Melt 100

That’s me being excited for the “day” in Minority Rule to end and then finding out that the timer took timezones into account.


Welcome to the calendar function of the forum :wink:

i prefer this version

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poor ferret.

Well, I think it’s a ferret anyway.

it was a ferret


poor ferret

yay i have a sudden and violent desire to kill god through sheer force of will
i’m having one of those days!

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God would have to exist for that.

he used to until i was finished with him, then he never existed in the first place

no but some days i just have a desire to destroy something of incredible magnitude that i think is unjust using cool hero powers because i watched far too much anime when i was younger

it’s just a thing i get