54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

how about you set your sights a bit lower and destroy me instead


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oh see here I was expecting this to be ‘God is Evil, let’s tear down this order and make a better one’

apologies but i do not have access to your name and face at this moment

their name is katze and their PFP is their face



oh no it is that

i do think that if a supreme being exists (doubt it) it should have no personality and barely any sentience, and be relegated solely as a deistic being. and also not to run any eternal pet cages to trap people’s souls in after they die.

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see you in 40 seconds @katze

can i order icibalus prime delivery

no that was a message from god. he’s been hijacking my account after i announced my intention to kill him

honestly god just because i want to murder you doesn’t mean you have to be such a dick about it


see, I’m not certain that torturing billions of people means you deserve to stop existing, if that’s not necessary to stop you from doing the torture thing

honestly it’s not even the torture that bugs me about such a being

it’s that it would have the audacity to claim that the murder and torture was neccecary for someone else’s character development, and then keep them in a meaningless cage reality for the rest of time while disregarding and punishing any soul that does not live to its’ lofty expectations

who cares if the being is always right about people’s development
nobody should have the right to do that to anybody

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torture wouldn’t exist if life didn’t exist, so if a being created life they are also responsible for the torturing of literally everybody

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that’s my problem, basically. a god keeps a reality as a pet, and it demands you to constantly acknowledge its’ superiority. it is a meddling being, and sure, it loves you, but what do we call a being who has absolute theoretical control of another being yet loves it? we call that an owner, and in that position, we are pets. and we did not have the right to make a real choice in the matter, the choice to live in a godless world, to live truly free, even if such a world is worse.

Can I have a summary of this argument so I can take sides
I’m looking for an argument

sorry i’m getting melodramatically philosophical here
i’ll go consume sustenance sticks (sausages) now


Running is hard day 2

How much are you doing? I was thinking of starting again, but prob just on me treadmill