54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I have to do 35 minutes a day

I just ran 3.3 miles

At least it was warm out today

It still sucked

I hate running

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Does it have to specifically be running or is it just any form of exercise

Other exercise is somewhat better

Soccer is fun because it’s not just running

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Any form of upper body exercise is fine until the 10th time I do it

This includes pushups

So I should adapt that to I hate running long distances

Biking is great tbh I could do that every day

i have bike PTSD cause of that one time

As mother I can confirm this

Antinatalism intensifies

I am responsible for the creation of this chaotic evil being called katze
how can I deal with this morally? well… I have no problem with it. I’m evil myself

Aaargh my parents just stormed into my room because the teacher called them that I plagiarized from another student. I fucking told them to change it a bit so they wouldn’t notice.

Have you told them that it was somebody else copying your stuff

You might have to leak logs of that conversation
Because plagiarizing is a big fucking deal for schools

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That you had with friend

Maybe in other countries, but here you just get 0. It’s not a college though so maybe that’s why.

You still might want to make it clear to the teacher that someone else copied your stuff
I’m pretty sure your friend will understand

It’s a very bad look ftf when it happens, because it usually goes into permanent records

I think most schools are not going to look super kindly on the defense ‘I didn’t plagiarize their work, I just knowingly and willingly let them plagiarize mine

I don’t think we have those in Belgium.