54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

ignore this post
i posted it accidentally and it was probably going to be immature as hell

would you like me to delete it

fair enough

wow. it turns out, at least according to ami, that taxation is theft. so far, our case for taxation being theft is pretty strong here on ‘Taxation is Theft with [blank]’! every guest we’ve ever hard thinks that taxation is theft!


but ici, they aren’t real libertarians!


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join me next time when we discuss with Mr. Alltaxistheft whether taxation is theft!

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you see ici
i am the only real libertarianTM as i believe something nobody else believes in regarding libertarianism

it isnt if its from the rich to the poor. Robin Hood

what is that, Ami

im mocking libertarians calling each other not real libertarians

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then where does roughly 12% of my income go

I believe in neo liberalism

back to you on the 15th of April i hope

oh and like a thousand dollars in property taxes

at least when i hit 18

Si se puede

That’s why morals aren’t enough. You need rules and laws :eyes:

i mean
its a question of do the ends justify the means
are you stealing to enrich yourself or to help others out with your ill gotten gains

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It doesn’t matter. Stealing is stealing. It’s wrong. There are always legal methods to help others.

(spoken by the lawful neutral gang)