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nothing is black and white but aight

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I mean if Its done to help others And potentially save lives Why is it Wrong

I might do something against the Law, to help others…
but I will report myself afterwards, to face proper justice.

stop claiming neutral as evil


my lawful evil answer would be:
abuse the loopholes in the law to find a way to help them without breaking technically the law

What if it stops you from helping others in future And results in people dying Who would have otherwise survived

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If my intentions were so good as I think, I have trust that I will find mercy in the eyes of the judges.
But if they find me guilty, I was guilty.

What if you know that you will be found guilty which results in people dying while not reporting yourself would save them

If there’s danger to others right now and I have to act immediately, I can wait with reporting myself for as long as I need to help them, but I will report myself afterwards.

Hello - the judges find you guilty

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~What if you know that there are more people you need To help~

Then it’s not just a few people, and just trying to help them by myself is ineffective. I’d get political active again, to try to get the laws changed.

cant do that Cuz you will be arrested

Based on What factors would you judge whether certain action is right or Wrong

Authorities and tradition.
the bible, the government, and the elders

If they say something is right, then it’s right. If they say something is wrong, then it’s wrong.

What do you think it means for something to be Wrong or right outside of describing opposition or support to authority

Justice should be for everyone. If someone gets treated worse cuz he’s in a minority, then that’s a hard stop signal for me

What if authority/Elders/goverment etc come to consensus that treating someone because they’re a minority is right would it mean that the action despite being right is still unjust

In that case How can right And justice mean same thing

“lets model our laws based on a document 2 thousand years old! nothing can go wrong with that!”

I would try to convince them and oppose it by all legal means, but I would use no illegal means to stop it.
I might try tho to misuse loopholes in the law in a particular way, so I’m able to help without getting punished.

I didnt mean to ask What you would do

I am asking as a rule because from What I understand something being right means something being just while your definition of right And justice being different And in this example making something wrong And just at same time

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