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(Not consquentialist anymore but was before And still think it’s a Good way of looking At The World)

The flourishing, broadly-defined, of sentient life

Best results for whom, and in which context? I feel like this is a question that cannot be answered by simply saying “X”.
Do you mean in general?

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I lean ‘flourishing’ over ‘happiness’ because it gets around a lot of dumb gotcha questions like “so would you force everyone to be hooked up to the utilitarian happiness machines against their will???” and “so is murder okay if you’re murdering a sad person???”

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I’ve never heared of flourishing :eyes:
you mean you are a plant?

that is not what I mean

Yes obviously

Because I have ever persuaded someone of something

I disagree

It doesn’t actually make reference to the consequences of one’s actions

Not if you say that killing that Person takes away all happiness they could have experienced

Okay, I try to understand “flourishing”
does it mean “let people live like they want”?

I would say doing Good without bias to law or order And doing best Good Person can do imply it

chaotic evil

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not … necessarily? there are definitely circumstances where it would mean that, and for things where the answer isn’t obvious it’s a good proxy for flourishing on the grounds that, like, other people are better equipped than I am to know which tradeoffs are worthwhile for them to make in cases where they have to make a tradeoff, but there are obviously circumstances where someone might want to do something contradictory to their flourishing (or, probably more relevantly, circumstances where they might want to do something conducive to their flourishing but harmful to that of other people)

I think the first one implies not being a deontologist but I don’t think it implies specifically being a consequentialist

I just want to shove people in front of trolleys why do you have to make it complicated

^this is a joke

Goddarnit Arete… I have no idea what you want to say with that wall of text

I mean if your goal is to increase goodness as much as possible then

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Get out you nerd