54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the main suspect appears to be a arete, who through mod shenanigans could have hidden post 42069

Clearly the divine gods + alaska thunderfuck prevented anyone from getting it since I didn’t

@Arete your thoughts?

[quote=“Jgoesgaming, post:42068, topic:266, full:true”]
gimme cookie.

[quote=“katze, post:42070, topic:266”]
:cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

wtf there’s no 69.

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imperium forty-too and the missing dank number

why are you assuming this is my fault

maybe the forum just broke


Wait can’t you flag certain posts and have them hidden .-.

if you stayed silent you’d be less suspicious

/vote Arete

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How about we share the :cookie:?
we all got one.

There is no 69 post

me and jgoes tied until arete reveals they mod-abused to steal it

and then we ban arete

Not a bug

lets give the cookie to @system then.

You can do it without mod, you just need level 3 perms

im pretty sure i cant hide posts?

I swear it was at 67 and then 4 people posted but somehow I was still 68 and 69 is gone.

This is clearly dark magic fuckery.
